Last Friday, the Advocate published a piece by our CEO, Patrick Dobard, on what NSNO is doing to work on teacher retention and recruitment.
Throughout history, tragedies and disasters have had a way of revealing how ill-prepared we are to meet their challenges. The rise of COVID-19 has laid bare our nation’s lack of readiness to confront a global pandemic or even follow the measures needed to keep our communities safe from this virus. It has also deepened the widespread digital divide among students — the gulf between the technology they need to be successful and what they have access to in their schools and homes.
As a former classroom teacher, superintendent of the Recovery School District, and now the CEO of New Schools for New Orleans, I have fought against systemic inequities for over 30 years. I grew up here in New Orleans and I want all kids in our city — and every city — to be able to fully access educational opportunities this fall, regardless of race or income. To make that a reality, we require certain tools for success, ones we can agree on no matter any differences in belief or policy. Those tools are masks and internet-connected devices for all students.