Eleven New Orleans Schools in Top 150 of La. Schools Ranked by U.S. News
April 2019 | U.S. News & World Report
The U.S. News & World Report recently released its Best High Schools national rankings. The rankings include more than 300 Louisiana high schools; they are based on metrics like student performance, graduation rates, and college readiness. New Orleans is home to the top-rated school in the state, three of the top ten schools in the state, seven schools in the top 50, and eleven in the top 150. Those eleven schools are, in order of ranking: Benjamin Franklin High School, Lusher Charter School, New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School, Warren Easton Charter High School, New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy, Abramson Sci Academy, International High School of New Orleans, Edna Karr High School, KIPP Renaissance High School, and G.W. Carver High School.
School for Students with Disabilities to Open Campus in Central City
April 8 | NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
Collegiate Academies’ Opportunities Academy, which caters to students aged 17-22 with intellectual and developmental disabilities, will open an independent, permanent campus this August. The post-secondary full-day program will be located in Central City in the William J. Guste building.
Charter Schools Create Opportunity for Minority Students
April 9 | Bloomberg News
Bloomberg News cites public charter schools as “one of the most effective ways of closing [achievement] gaps” and uses New Orleans to illustrate some of the positive outcomes.
April 12 | NSNO
NSNO’s latest report of educational data tells a powerful story. These statistics hold the victories, struggles, and progress of tens of thousands of individual students. The “New Orleans by the Numbers” report celebrates how far we have come and motivates us for the work ahead.
Guest Column: Legislation Would Help Move New Orleans Schools Forward
April 15 | The New Orleans Advocate
Orleans Parish School Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr. explains the reasoning behind proposed legislation House Bill 393, House Bill 324, and Senate Bill 132. “The measures in this legislation help our students, and they allow the School Board, the superintendent, and our schools to do our job”.
Reducing N.O. Teacher Turnover is Focus of New Initiative from College Football Foundation
April 23 | NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
The College Football Playoff (CFP) Foundation is investing over $2 million into local projects aimed at reducing New Orleans’ teacher turnover rate by five percentage points by 2021. Projects include NSNO’s Teach New Orleans program as well as NSNO’s work with local universities and teacher mentorship programs.
OneApp Ensures Equity as Schools Continue Working to Improve
April 29 | NSNO Blog
OneApp makes the enrollment process easier and fairer than ever before. But it is only an application. We take a look at how it maximizes equity in a system that is unequal.