Last year, NSNO launched the New Orleans Excellence in Teaching Awards. We created these awards to honor the incredible educators throughout New Orleans, whose contributions rarely make headlines, but whose impact will endure long after the students they serve leave their classrooms.
The educators behind New Orleans’ unprecedented academic progress should be recognized for their tremendous work. And so, as we head into National Teacher Appreciation Week, NSNO will be joining the national celebration and sharing insights from some of our city’s best teachers.
Over the next month, we will announce our second annual Excellence in Teaching winners, we’ll use this blog to share insights from last year’s winners about how to improve the teaching profession, and, at the end of May, we will bring all of this year’s finalists and winners together to celebrate their accomplishments.
We are so proud of the great work happening every day in our schools, and are proud to celebrate the educators in our city who work every day to help NSNO reach our mission: delivering on the promise of excellent public schools for every child in New Orleans.