Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Many Educators Hold Enormous Student Debt. NSNO Helps Them Navigate Relief. NSNO offers support around waiver that expands qualifications for…

A Fair Assessment of Growth and Performance: BESE Considering Changes to Louisiana’s Accountability System
At NSNO, we keep close track of developments at the local and state level that may impact our schools. Currently,…

Honoring Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr.: For Seven Years, Dr. Lewis Fulfilled a Unique Role in Education
Over nearly seven years, Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr. has been a stalwart leader of our public school system. Over the past few…

Dr. Avis Williams Selected As Next NOLA-PS Superintendent
Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr. leaves his role on June 30, 2022 After months of careful search, review, and community engagement,…

Announcing the New Chief Executive Officer of NSNO: Dana Peterson
We are excited to announce that on February 15th, Dana Peterson will begin serving as the CEO of New Schools…

Thank You & A Look Ahead at 2022
To our community, Amidst the significant challenges of this past year, our schools find moments of great joy and clear…

A Note of Gratitude from NSNO
To our community; I hope this note finds you and your family well. As we head into this season of…

A Note from Patrick
Dear NOLA Education Family, As a little boy riding my bike up and down Esplanade Avenue in New Orleans, I never…