The mission of the Instructional Quality Initiative (IQI), launched by NSNO in collaboration with Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) in January 2018, is to:
- Increase the number of schools using aligned Tier 1 curriculum in the areas of ELA and Math – this includes Science support, as of 2020.
- Provide curriculum implementation support by creating collaborative spaces for teachers and leaders.
- Increase student proficiency in core subjects for K-12 students.
Tier 1 Implementation in NOLA Open-Enrollment Schools
IQI School Level Supports
NSNO School Opportunities
IQI Grants
NSNO School Supports
Leader Meetings / Check-Ins
Vendor Check-Ins
Communication Through IQI Newsletters
IQI News
There’s a lot to be excited about this year. Stay up to date on all of the related Instructional Quality Initiative (IQI) News. Check it out!

IQI Resources
NSNO Professional Development Offerings
Data Collaborative K-12
Launch Year: 2019-2020
Description of Collaborative: A collaborative to provide support to school leadership teams in data analysis of school selected assessments.
Foundational Literacy Collaborative
Launch Year: 2021-2022
Description of Collaborative: A collaborative to provide support and coaching with a cohort of schools around best practices for teaching foundational reading skills and support to the Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) and/or American Reading Company (ARC) curricula.
Intermediate Literacy Collaborative
Launch Year: 2022-2023
Description of Collaborative: A collaborative to provide support and coaching collaboratively with a cohort of schools around best practices for embedding key foundational reading skills for students in upper elementary and middle school grades and support to Tier 1 English / Language Arts (ELA) curriculum.