“All Hands on Deck”

“All Hands on Deck”  Talking Mental Health, Hurricane Ida, and COVID-19 with Superintendent Lewis After Hurricane Ida hit New Orleans,…

A Note From NSNO

Dear Colleagues, Neighbors, and Friends, This is a heavy moment in heavy times. We know many of you are feeling…

Nola Knowledge: Summer in the City (Week 7)

This summer, in light of the pandemic’s impact, schools in New Orleans are expanding opportunities for our children to learn….

LEAP Results Underscore Impact of Pandemic

LEAP Results Underscore Impact of Pandemic Unprecedented year sets a new baseline for assessing student performance Yesterday, the Louisiana Department…

2021 LEAP Results Expected Next Week

2021 LEAP Results Expected Next Week Our Students and Schools Worked Hard in a Challenging Year This spring, Louisiana’s students…

“I felt like I was on top of the world.”

“I felt like I was on top of the world.” Dai’von Floyd’s journey from student to teacher at KIPP New Orleans…

Innovator Series: New Orleans Career Center

The challenge of COVID-19 has called for immense innovation on the part of our educators. They are coming up with…

Innovators Series: Living School

The challenge of COVID-19 has called for immense innovation on the part of our educators. They are coming up with…

Mukbang Videos and Virtual Textbooks at New Harmony High School

The May 18th issue of Gambit included the following sponsored article featuring New Harmony High School and their innovative classes led by teacher Lauryl…

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